Supplying Pets With Quality Herbs and Supplements

Herbs and supplements are another staple of integrative pet care at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center. When used in conjunction with Western medications, they can increase the effectiveness of treatments for a variety of medical conditions and behavioral disorders.
Herbs and supplements are especially useful for patients with underlying liver or kidney diseases that make it difficult to tolerate certain prescription drugs.
As with acupuncture, the focus of herbal supplements is to correct any underlying health imbalances and to achieve an overall state of “wellness.” Treatment can range from short-term to long-term.
The use of herbs and homeopathy allows us to decrease the amount of prescription drugs that carry potentially more toxic side effects. Overall, we see minimal side effects in the short- and long-term use of herbs and supplements.
All herbs and supplements are not equal, and it is important to choose products that are both safe and effective and, when possible, sustainably produced. The Doctors at The Whole Pet Vet work closely with a small number of companies that we trust, to allow optimal results for your pet’s health and wellness.