Dog getting flea medicine.

Ask us when the right time is to get started on a pet’s parasite prevention medication, and the answer will always be “today.” Regardless of the time of year, pets benefit from a proactive, preventive strategy against blood-sucking, disease-spreading parasites like ticks and fleas. During any gaps or lapses in their regular dose (such as during the winter months), pets can become vulnerable to attacks from parasites. A continuous defense is the only way to stand up to these pests, and has the added bonus of promoting greater pet health. 

They Are Never Far

It makes sense to assume that bugs like fleas and ticks die off when it gets cold. While their numbers drop when the temperature does, parasites continue to threaten pet health throughout winter, especially if they find their ways indoors. 

Due to the incredible impact on pets, we will help you determine which parasite prevention medication is right for your unique pet. 

Flea Issues

Fleas bite, multiply, leave behind flea dirt, have the potential to cause flea allergy dermatitis, and spread disease and tapeworms. Secondary skin infections can occur in pets that cannot stop scratching after a flea irritation. Since a single flea can lay dozens of eggs a day, a full-scale flea infestation can happen almost overnight. The expensive, frustrating disruption caused by fleas is second to none. 

Tick Issues

Ticks are especially loathsome among pet owners, in part because their scant size escapes detection. While they don’t fly or jump, ticks have a scary ability to sense their prey, waiting for them to walk by the grass, branch, or leaf they happen to be perched upon. The most common health risk posed by ticks is, of course, Lyme disease. However, ticks can spread any of these to unprotected pets:

  • Anaplasmosis
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Babesiosis

If a tick is allowed to gorge themselves on their prey, they can spread dangerous pathogens within 36 hours. Ticks may double in size by the time they are finished, but it is critical they are removed in such a way that keeps their entire body intact. It may be necessary to test the tick for pathogens, so please take care to safely store the tick. 

If a pet is up to date on their parasite prevention medication, ticks will die shortly after their blood meal begins. 

Flea and Tick Prevention

Every pet has a different lifestyle and health history. As such, we customize each individual pet’s parasite prevention strategy. Some owners opt for a monthly oral medication, others go for a combination of oral, topical, and even injectable (for heartworm and hookworms) medications that provide a broad-spectrum defense all year. Before certain parasite prevention medication is prescribed, disease screening is mandatory. 

Fixing It Up

There are important tactics to utilize at home, including regular bathing and grooming, yard clean up, and daily checks of your pet’s skin, fur, bedding, and toys. Because fleas and ticks enter the pet’s home on people and pets, it’s critical that all pets, including indoor-only ones, receive the benefits of year round parasite prevention.

Here to Help

If we can assist you further with questions about your pet’s parasite prevention, please give us a call at (408) 402-3071. Our staff at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center is always happy to help your pet.