An Ancient Art: The Benefits of Pet Acupuncture

Acupuncture has a long history, but it hasn’t always been exclusively for humans. Believed to have originated in India, ancient Chinese legends describe the successful use of acupuncture in battle-worn horses. Over time, other animals, such as camels, chickens, cattle, elephants, monkeys, goats, and sheep were also treated.

Since its adoption throughout Europe in the late 17th century, pet acupuncture has continued to heal and treat pain and chronic disease. The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center is proud to offer this effective, non-invasive option to our Los Gatos pet community.

The Same, but Different!

Pet acupuncture has documented benefits among various species, but it’s primarily applied to companion animals. Cats, dogs, and horses tolerate acupuncture very well. However, their specific anatomy – and the potential for injury if they aren’t properly restrained – mandates that only trained, licensed veterinarians perform this treatment.
