How to Help Your Pet Cope During Tumultuous Times

Several months ago pet owners were worried about sheltering in place with their pet. After all, everyone was set in their ways regarding their work and school schedules, including the family pet. 

Cats and dogs dozed on the couch, looked out windows, sniffed around, and simply hung around until the family came home and dinner time approached. But as they do, life changed and pets and people alike had to negotiate a new schedule and dynamic. 

Not surprisingly, most pets have been pleased with the results.

Now we have different challenges ahead as schools and businesses begin to reopen. These changes could mean that pets have to face solitude again for hours at a time. It’s not always easy to help your pet cope with all this change, but you can teach them how to handle this through a patient and prepared approach.

If your pet is not accustomed to seeing YOU in a mask, they might find people on the street in masks especially alarming. Even the most well-behaved dogs can become easily spooked by circumstances they deem new or threatening. Help acclimate your pet by wearing your mask here and there around your pets, give praise or treats and help them feel less anxious about this new facial development on humans. Do not assume you know how your pet would react if adults or children in masks stop to stay hello and get too close – help your pet with this transition!


Decoding Cat Behavior Through Their Tail

Oh, cats. You regale us with your chirpy hunting skills, warm us with your snuggly bellies, and inspire us through your dazzling acrobatics. But when it comes to understanding and admiring cat behavior, one thing is very clear: their tail acts like a barometer, and it’s up to us to know what it all means.

Swish and Flick

Cat body language uses various body parts to convey fairly precise emotions. The ears, whiskers, and eyes, for example, are all expressive and depending on the cat’s mood, they have an impressive range to them.


Super Gifts For Pets and Their Owners

If you’ve shopped ‘til you’ve dropped this holiday season so far, you are certainly not alone. Giving thoughtful gifts take time and focus, and we hope you’ve been successful!

If you’ve been stumped by gifts for pets and their owners, however, we have you covered. There is no shortage of creative, fun, useful, and sweet gifts for pets out there, and we’ve curated a list, just for you. We hope you find something the pet on your list will love! 


CBD Oil For Pets: What You Need to Know

CBD oil is one of the most talked-about alternative therapies in recent years, and its rising popularity has reached the pet-care market. Pet owners are turning to CBD oil to help their companion animals with everything from arthritis to anxiety to seizures, and many other conditions. 

With so much information floating around online regarding CBD oil for pets, it can be difficult to know whether or not the supplement is safe and effective. 


A Match Made In Heaven: Introducing Your Pets To Your New Baby

Few things are more exciting than getting ready to bring a new baby into your life. You may be rapidly checking off your to-do list if the time is growing near. And amidst all your planning, preparation, and taking good care of yourself, you may also be wondering how your pets will adjust to your new addition as well. 

To make this transition smooth for everyone, The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center has some ideas and tips for introducing your pets to your new baby. Pets are creatures of habit, so it makes sense to start as early as you can to get them acclimated to the idea of a new addition to their family.


Smaller Than a Grain of Rice, a Pet Microchip Can Save the Day

In order to effectively identify wild roaming bison, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service implants them with inert microchips. In fact, various types of animal research use similar information gleaned from these chips. They do not transmit GPS or have an internal power source, but these biocompatible chips have likewise been instrumental in the identification of loads of species – especially lost or missing pets. 

From llamas to parrots, ferrets to frogs, pets are routinely microchipped. It might not ever get scanned, but a pet microchip can facilitate a swift return home.


This Summer, Should You Be Worried About Pet Noise Anxiety? The Answer May Surprise You

Some pet owners know by experience that certain noises, stimuli, or situations are downright unnerving for their pets. Others may just be learning about the various things that their pets find upsetting.

We can certainly do our best to reduce or minimize scary scenarios, but during the summer that’s a bit tricky. Thunderstorms, parades, construction, fireworks and more can all trigger pet noise anxiety – but it doesn’t have to take over your pet’s life when you’re prepared to help them cope.


What Wildlife Dangers to Pets Should You Be Aware Of?

Most pets and their people never cross paths with apex predators in the wild, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t out there. In fact, habitat loss and navigable road systems make the possibility of an encounter even more real. Skunks, raccoons, foxes, and coyotes can be threatening, but what about rattlesnakes, bears, cougars, and birds of prey?

Undoubtedly, there are wildlife dangers to pets here in California. When owners are prepared to handle the risks and results, pets have a much better chance.


An Ancient Art: The Benefits of Pet Acupuncture

Acupuncture has a long history, but it hasn’t always been exclusively for humans. Believed to have originated in India, ancient Chinese legends describe the successful use of acupuncture in battle-worn horses. Over time, other animals, such as camels, chickens, cattle, elephants, monkeys, goats, and sheep were also treated.

Since its adoption throughout Europe in the late 17th century, pet acupuncture has continued to heal and treat pain and chronic disease. The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center is proud to offer this effective, non-invasive option to our Los Gatos pet community.

The Same, but Different!

Pet acupuncture has documented benefits among various species, but it’s primarily applied to companion animals. Cats, dogs, and horses tolerate acupuncture very well. However, their specific anatomy – and the potential for injury if they aren’t properly restrained – mandates that only trained, licensed veterinarians perform this treatment.


Keep Moving Forward: The Benefits of Walking With Your Pet

The benefits of walking your dog can impact dog health and wellness

Pet ownership is a big responsibility, but we sign up for the opportunity because of the enormous payoffs we receive from this special relationship. Indeed, owning a pet is a type of insurance against loneliness, isolation, and possible boredom. They keep us engaged, connected, and best of all, active. Walking with your pet is one of the best assets of the relationship – for both you and your pet!
