Why Some Pets Don’t Make Good Gifts

Dog in a Christmas box.

With the holidays quickly approaching, many people are searching for creative and fun gift ideas for friends and loved ones.

Pets can make great gifts under the right circumstances, but there’s much more to be considered than when gifting someone an electronic device or sweater.

So what are some reasons some pets don’t make good gifts? 


Tips for Adopting A New Pet

adopting a new petHave you recently decided to bring a new pet into your family? If so, congratulations! You might feel excitement coupled with a mounting sense of dread as you peruse the internet, get unsolicited advice from friends and family, and look around your house thinking – what am I getting myself into?

If so, fear not! The Whole Pet Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Center is by your side, with some ideas on how to pick a wonderful companion, what to ask before bringing them home, and where to look for the very best addition to your family. Welcome to our tips for adopting a new pet!
