Posts in Category: Training & Behavior
Recognizing and Managing Pet Anxiety: Strategies for a Calmer October

October is here, and while we humans revel in the spooky delights of Halloween, our furry friends may not share the same enthusiasm. As pet owners, it’s essential to recognize that anxiety, whether general or related to specific events, can affect our pets’ well-being.
At Whole Pet Veterinary Hospital and Wellness Center, we understand the importance of addressing pet anxiety to ensure a happy and stress-free life for our companions. In this blog post, we’ll talk about strategies for recognizing and managing pet anxiety, with a specific focus on separation anxiety, and offer tips for helping your pets cope with the spookiness of Halloween.
Continue…Please Don’t Go! Navigating Separation Anxiety in Dogs

The world of COVID has created a unique situation in our pet population. Now more so than ever, our furry family members have grown accustomed to having us at home nearly all the time. As we shift towards trying to live more normal lives again, many of them are protesting loudly. Separation anxiety in dogs can be a really difficult problem to navigate, but The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center is here to help you.
Continue…How to Help Your Pet Cope During Tumultuous Times

Several months ago pet owners were worried about sheltering in place with their pet. After all, everyone was set in their ways regarding their work and school schedules, including the family pet.
Cats and dogs dozed on the couch, looked out windows, sniffed around, and simply hung around until the family came home and dinner time approached. But as they do, life changed and pets and people alike had to negotiate a new schedule and dynamic.
Not surprisingly, most pets have been pleased with the results.
Now we have different challenges ahead as schools and businesses begin to reopen. These changes could mean that pets have to face solitude again for hours at a time. It’s not always easy to help your pet cope with all this change, but you can teach them how to handle this through a patient and prepared approach.
If your pet is not accustomed to seeing YOU in a mask, they might find people on the street in masks especially alarming. Even the most well-behaved dogs can become easily spooked by circumstances they deem new or threatening. Help acclimate your pet by wearing your mask here and there around your pets, give praise or treats and help them feel less anxious about this new facial development on humans. Do not assume you know how your pet would react if adults or children in masks stop to stay hello and get too close – help your pet with this transition!
Continue…No Shame in Their Game: Why Dogs Eat Poop

Dogs are not known for their impeccable palates, that’s for sure. Why they enjoy raiding the garbage, munching on mulch, or lapping up toilet water is beyond us here at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center.
Of all the yucky doggy delicacies out there, one is more disgusting than the rest. Why dogs eat poop may be a bit of a mystery, but we have some insight that may help you be a bit more understanding.
The Mystery of Why Dogs Eat Poop
Poop eating, more properly known as coprophagia, is a common canine indiscretion. Be it bunny droppings in the backyard, the cat’s litter box, or their own waste, this behavior is concerning to most pet owners.
Coprophagia can put your pet at risk for intestinal parasites and is likely not helpful for doggy breath in general. If it is dramatic enough, poop eating behavior potentially can also cause nutritional deficiencies.
Continue…Decoding Cat Behavior Through Their Tail

Oh, cats. You regale us with your chirpy hunting skills, warm us with your snuggly bellies, and inspire us through your dazzling acrobatics. But when it comes to understanding and admiring cat behavior, one thing is very clear: their tail acts like a barometer, and it’s up to us to know what it all means.
Swish and Flick
Cat body language uses various body parts to convey fairly precise emotions. The ears, whiskers, and eyes, for example, are all expressive and depending on the cat’s mood, they have an impressive range to them.
Continue…A Match Made In Heaven: Introducing Your Pets To Your New Baby

Few things are more exciting than getting ready to bring a new baby into your life. You may be rapidly checking off your to-do list if the time is growing near. And amidst all your planning, preparation, and taking good care of yourself, you may also be wondering how your pets will adjust to your new addition as well.
To make this transition smooth for everyone, The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center has some ideas and tips for introducing your pets to your new baby. Pets are creatures of habit, so it makes sense to start as early as you can to get them acclimated to the idea of a new addition to their family.
Continue…This Summer, Should You Be Worried About Pet Noise Anxiety? The Answer May Surprise You

Some pet owners know by experience that certain noises, stimuli, or situations are downright unnerving for their pets. Others may just be learning about the various things that their pets find upsetting.
We can certainly do our best to reduce or minimize scary scenarios, but during the summer that’s a bit tricky. Thunderstorms, parades, construction, fireworks and more can all trigger pet noise anxiety – but it doesn’t have to take over your pet’s life when you’re prepared to help them cope.
Continue…The Long-Lasting Benefits of Dog Training and Socialization

A well-behaved dog can make it seem like they were simply born with the ability to remain calm and polite. They appear distinctly aware of their owner’s desires and seem to fall in line before requests are even made. In other words, they become a prime example for other dog owners who may be struggling with a less-than-cooperative pet at home.
So why does it seem that some dogs behave in truly unruly ways while others are the cat’s meow? The answer is simple: dog training and early socialization.
Continue…Twitchy Whiskers: Which Cat Behavior Is the Most Bizarre?
Cats are cool creatures. From their gravity-defying jumps to their strange little hunting noises, domestic felines command everyone’s attention. Part of what makes them so interesting, though, is their relative weirdness. Yes, their sleek appearance and debonair stare come first, but they definitely come equipped with a few odd – and yet universally feline – behaviors. Which cat behavior is your favorite? Continue…
New School Year, New Problems: Coping with Separation Anxiety in Pets
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and endless tasks that accompany a new school year. Shopping, schedules, and snacks are on the agenda, but where does the family pet fit into the new routine? Frustration, anxiety, and even depression are common among pets once the summer ends and their best buds return to school.
Fortunately, the start of another school year doesn’t have to lead to separation anxiety in pets. We’ve outlined some simple strategies any family can use to help their pet stay calm and focused during this time of transition.
Recognizing Separation Anxiety in Pets
Separation anxiety in pets can manifest in a variety of ways, ranging from obvious (destructive chewing, scratching, or vocalizations) to subtle (sleeping more, eating less, loss of interest in toys or favorite activities). Give us a call right away to schedule an appointment if you notice any changes in behavior. Continue…