Posts in Category: For The Dogs
Please Don’t Go! Navigating Separation Anxiety in Dogs

The world of COVID has created a unique situation in our pet population. Now more so than ever, our furry family members have grown accustomed to having us at home nearly all the time. As we shift towards trying to live more normal lives again, many of them are protesting loudly. Separation anxiety in dogs can be a really difficult problem to navigate, but The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center is here to help you.
Continue…Easy Wellness Routine For Your Cat or Dog

Just like us, cats and dogs can benefit from consistent and thoughtful wellness routines. It is important to establish a wellness plan right when you bring your pet home, as this will ensure optimal health promotion and disease prevention. As your pet grows, their health needs will change over time. The staff at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center have compiled a list of things you can do to support your pet’s wellness at any stage in life.
Continue…Five Fun Ways to Pamper Your Pet

Whether it’s a dog, cat, or llama, you’re probably always looking for a way to make your pet feel a little extra special. Pampering your pet is not only a great way to show affection, but the extra attention and care may help you and your pet form a more lasting and meaningful bond. Here are our top 5 ways to let your furry, scaly, or befeathered friend know how much you appreciate them:
Continue…Your Pet’s Anal Glands and Where to Find Them

Anal glands are located on either side of your dog’s rectum. When your dog defecates, the glands express a uniquely scented fluid onto the feces that identifies your dog from any other. When you see dogs sniffing the backend of another dog, they can tell from this scent if they’ve met before, if the dog is healthy, aggressive, and more!
Continue…Paraphimosis: Help, My Dog’s Penis is Stuck Out!

When things go wrong, er, down there, it can be embarrassing. When you need to ask for help for your dog, though, there is no shame in asking your friends at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center. When a dog’s penis becomes stuck out for a length of time (called paraphimosis), it can be an emergency. It’s important to know when to seek veterinary care.
Continue…Finding a Lump or Bump on Your Pet

Jumping to conclusions is part of human nature—especially if we’re faced with something frightening or confusing. When pet owners find new growths on or just under a pet’s skin, it’s natural to worry about them and assume the worst.
A lump or bump on your pet should never be ignored. It may turn out to be nothing serious, or it could mean something more. Put your mind at ease and have them examined. We can determine if it’s a problem that needs to be addressed, or simply monitored throughout your pet’s life.
Continue…When It Comes to Laser Therapy, We’ve Got Your Pet Covered

Here at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center, we take pride in addressing the whole pet. This means that we look at the many facets that comprise pet health in order to support longevity and enhance vitality.
Our services include traditional treatments as well as integrative holistic care to best care for a pet’s needs. It’s exciting to be on the cutting edge of veterinary medicine as a way to fully see and treat your pet. Among the many non-invasive modalities we offer, laser therapy is one of our favorites.
Continue…Staying Hyper-Aware of Bloat in Dogs Can Save Lives

When people hear the word “bloat,” they may think of minor indigestion caused by wheat, dairy products, or spicy food. Indeed, who among us hasn’t felt bloated before? However, bloat in dogs is anything but insignificant. Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) is a serious medical condition that causes the stomach to expand with fluid, air, or food, and then twist and flip on itself. If it’s left untreated, bloat in dogs can be fatal.
Continue…No Shame in Their Game: Why Dogs Eat Poop

Dogs are not known for their impeccable palates, that’s for sure. Why they enjoy raiding the garbage, munching on mulch, or lapping up toilet water is beyond us here at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center.
Of all the yucky doggy delicacies out there, one is more disgusting than the rest. Why dogs eat poop may be a bit of a mystery, but we have some insight that may help you be a bit more understanding.
The Mystery of Why Dogs Eat Poop
Poop eating, more properly known as coprophagia, is a common canine indiscretion. Be it bunny droppings in the backyard, the cat’s litter box, or their own waste, this behavior is concerning to most pet owners.
Coprophagia can put your pet at risk for intestinal parasites and is likely not helpful for doggy breath in general. If it is dramatic enough, poop eating behavior potentially can also cause nutritional deficiencies.
Continue…The Curious Case of “Frito Feet”

Have you ever smelled your pet’s feet? No, seriously – have you? It seems strange, but if you have ever been close enough to your dog’s paws, you may have noticed a strange, yet familiar odor. Corn chips!
You’d be surprised that many owners come to us and ask why their pets’ paws smell like that corn snack (or other strange scents).
Your team at The Whole Pet Vet Hospital and Wellness Center is here to answer this odd riddle.
Pet Odors Are Normal, Sometimes
Of course, pets pick up a number of smells on their paws from walking on dirty concrete, asphalt, grass, and other surfaces. So, it’s no surprise that your pet’s feet don’t smell like a bed of roses. But there are times when odor can signal a problem.